Fine Grain High Purity Isotropic Graphite is a necessary material for high-end applications such as semiconductors and photovoltaics, and has broad market prospects. With technological advances, VeTek Semiconductor has the manufacturing and supply capabilities for large quantities of Fine Grain High Purity Isotropic Graphite. We welcome your inquiries at any time.
Fine Grain High Purity Isotropic Graphite is a special graphite that is isostatically pressed with natural graphite and petroleum coke as the main raw materials. It is a product with fine particles, high mechanical strength, high volume density and high purity, so it is also called isostatic graphite. It is famous for its unique isotropy and excellent electrical, thermal and mechanical properties. At the same time, due to its almost identical physical properties in all directions, Fine Grain High Purity Isotropic Graphite has a longer service life cycle.
VeTek Fine Grain High Purity Isotropic Graphite has high strength, excellent thermal shock resistance, Good corrosion resistance, good electricity conductivity and thermal conductivity.Most importantly, the ash content is extremely low, reaching 5ppm.
Fine Grain High Purity Isotropic Graphite
Based on the characteristics, Fine Grain High Purity Isotropic Graphite can be simply divided into the following two categories:
Molding method
Compression molding
Isostatic graphite
Physical properties
The particle size is between 10-20μm, generally three-baked graphitized products are the main ones, the density is about 1.80kg/m3, the particles are fine and smooth, can be used for precision machining, and have "anisotropy".
The particle size is between 5-20um, the density is about 1.80kg/m3, the particles are fine and smooth, can be used for precision machining, and have "isotropy".
The product specifications are small, and the weight is generally below 200kg.The more common specifications on the market are 330mmx330mmx180mm, etc.
The product specifications are large, and the weight is generally above 500kg.The more common specifications on the market are 1160mmx1140mmx260mm, etc.
Artificial diamond, metal smelting, lithium battery and photovoltaic (consumables for multi-product silicon production).
Semiconductors, photovoltaics (consumables for single crystal silicon production), electric sparks, military industry and nuclear engineering.
Compared with ordinary graphite, Fine Grain High Purity Isotropic Graphite has higher performance, such as volume density of 1.70~2.0g/cm3 (ordinary graphite products are 1.60~1.80g/cm3), flexural strength of 40~100MPa (ordinary graphite products are 6~45MPa), and can be widely used in semiconductors, metallurgy, medical treatment, electronics, petrochemicals, aerospace, nuclear energy and other fields. It can be made into sealing rings, piston rings, bearings, heat exchangers, brushes, artificial bones, heart valves and rocket nozzles, etc., and has a very important industrial position.
(1) Graphite for solar cells and semiconductor wafers
The temperature difference between heating and heat transfer of parts made of Fine Grain High Purity Isotropic Graphite is relatively low. At the same time, its homogeneous structure can significantly reduce the internal stress caused by rapid cooling and heating of parts, so it can extend the service life of manufacturing equipment. Therefore, in the semiconductor and solar energy industries, Fine Grain High Purity Isotropic Graphite is used to make a large number of Cz-type single crystal vertical pulling furnace hot field graphite parts (crucibles, heaters, guide tubes, insulation covers, etc.), Currently, Vetek Semiconductor uses Isotropic Graphite as raw material to produce related products such as Graphite Thermal Field, Three-petal Graphite Crucible, Isostatic Graphite Crucible, PECVD Graphite Boat, etc., Currently, Vetek Semiconductor uses Isotropic Graphite as raw material to produce related products such as Graphite Thermal Field, Three-petal Graphite Crucible, Isostatic Graphite Crucible, PECVD Graphite Boat, etc.
(2) Graphite for electrospark machining (EDM)
Compared with copper electrodes, graphite electrodes have the following advantages: low density, which is conducive to the manufacture of large molds; easy processing, which can reduce tool wear and electrode consumption; graphite has a high melting point and is not easy to deform; theoretically, graphite electrodes can be zero-loss and do not need to be repeatedly processed.
(3) Graphite for high-temperature gas-cooled reactor core structure
Nuclear graphite is a key material for high-temperature gas-cooled reactors to prevent nuclear proliferation. Fine Grain High Purity Isotropic Graphite has excellent radiation resistance, super strong structural strength, extremely high thermal conductivity and purity, making it an indispensable material for the nuclear energy industry. Fine Grain High Purity Isotropic Graphite meets the quality requirements of nuclear graphite in the cold state: large specifications, stable quality, good thermal stability, low thermal expansion coefficient, and nuclear purity (high purity below 50ppm).
Through continuous exploration of raw material formula and continuous improvement of technology, VeTek Semiconductor's Fine Grain High Purity Isotropic Graphite has caught up with the advanced foreign level in mechanical strength, smoothness, processing performance and service life. We look forward to communicating with you more about product information.